How to Get Natural Certificate?

What Does It Mean to Certify a Product as "Natural"?

In Turkey, a food or beverage product "organic" labeling, which means the product of the National Organic Program (NOP) was grown in accordance with organic standards, manufactured, which means that inspection and certification

In our country, only the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock can authorize a specific company to organically market and label its food or beverage. If a company has the authority to label Organic, it complies with the National Organic Program standards, including the following.

Pesticides: Food is produced without the use of most conventional pesticides.

Fertilizer: Foods are produced without using fertilizers with synthetic ingredients or sewage.

Bioengineering and Radiation: Foods are produced without the use of bioengineering or ionizing radiation.

Antibiotics and Growth Hormone: Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products should come from animals that are not antibiotics or growth hormones.

Sustainable Applications: The production process should use renewable resources and protect soil and water to increase environmental quality for future generations.

Are There Different Organic Label Expressions For Different Organic Levels?

Yes, you should tag your product with the correct organic declaration.

100 Percent Natural: 100 percent of the content is Natural and 100 percent of its processing is Natural.

Natural: 95 percent or more of the ingredients can be used in processing some organic, approved chemical additives.

Made With Natural Ingredients: Some ingredients are organic. This label expression is not a standard label expression and cannot be used outside the Materials Panel on the label. However, it can be done if an undersecretary of Food, Agriculture and Livestock approved validation confirms that some ingredients are organic.

How Can My Company Get Certified Natural Product Label?

Turkey sold at a product label "organic" Before using the term, you must give official approval and certification by the USDA. He wonders if it is suitable because he wants them to match the label designs, but it's important to follow USDA standards to use the official organic seal. If you print your own labels, you will need a full color label printer to produce the organic logo in color, or at least one monochrome barcode label printer to produce the USDA organic logo in black and white.

What is the Marketing Value of Organic Label?

The decision to certify and label your products organically requires time and cost. You can ask yourself: “Will an organic label help consumers sell more products?”

What is the Process of Products to be Certified?

You should know the organic production requirements of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and write an “organic system plan” that summarizes your own production practices and confirms your compliance with the standards. Every processing facility and every company that handles your product before packaging should complete its own organic system plan. Then send your organic system plan to your certification body and prepare to be visited by your certification body for a site review. During your site review, reference is made to your plan to verify that your actual applications have been made after your plan.

What are the considerations to get this certificate?

To obtain the certificate, the farm or product must be associated with originality for two to three years. For the first time certification, the soil must meet the basic requirements arising from the use of prohibited substances (synthetic chemicals, etc.) for several years. A traditional farm must meet organic standards for this period.

Can GMO products get this certificate?

No, it's completely forbidden. It means that a natural farmer cannot grow GM crops and products. GMO seeds cannot be used. For example, if a cow is organic, it cannot eat GMO food and any organic product cannot contain GMO products.

How to get the Organic Certificate label?

To get the label first, you need to reserve a natural certification agency and fill in your agency's application form and put them in. In compliance with the regulations and standards, its review will be done by itself. And the remaining process will be provided with a label after satisfaction.

Companies that prove that their products and services comply with the Ekomark © Standard criteria in terms of human health and environmental protection are allowed to use the Ekomark © Label in these products and services.

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