Contribution of Organic Production to the Environment

Organic production is a beneficial option for consumers both in terms of protecting the health of all beings living in nature and ethically. Thanks to the products produced by organic production, approximately 500 million agricultural vehicles are prevented from harming nature and living things. As is known, the use of pesticides destroys the environment extremely and animals that eat pesticide contaminated plants are also adversely affected by this situation and lose their health. Thus, in this vicious circle, the entire ecosystem is turned upside down, and the pesticides sprayed on the plants mix into the soil, air and water.

The effects of pesticides last for many years, and as a result, these artificial chemical pesticides affect the structure of the soil and cause erosion. However, the pesticides used in organic agriculture, which are completely environmentally friendly and that consider human and animal health, do not cause any harm to the environment. Growing healthy products is only possible with organic farming. Chemicals injected into the soil prevent the soil from enriching and obtaining fertile crops becomes difficult or even impossible. According to a study conducted in the United States, 1 teaspoon of organic farming soil has rich organic components and contains 600 million to 1 billion beneficial bacteria. As a matter of fact, when these beneficial bacteria are spread to the soil, product productivity and variety increase. On the other hand, it is known that only 100 beneficial bacteria are found in pesticides full of harmful chemicals.

Erosion is one of the natural events that pose a risk in terms of soil, people and products grown in the soil. Organic crop cultivation has minimized soil losses with respect to nature and soil in combating with erosion and with all planned work from a to z that is environmentally friendly. According to the news from the visual and written media, erosion disaster is frequently encountered in the world and many living communities perish because of this. However, the rate of encountering with erosion in organic farming areas has decreased to one third.

At the same time, one of the other important contributions of organic agriculture to the environment is that it slows down the sudden transitions of carbon dioxide reduction and climate change. As a result of many years of studies, it has been revealed that organic agriculture prevents these risk factors. As the oxygen release in the atmosphere decreases and the climates change, global warming increases at the same rate. As a result of global warming, various plant species are disappearing and some animal races are becoming extinct. All kinds of chemical drugs and substances are pregnant with such negativity. Organic crop cultivation, which is carried out to combat such problems, preserves a large amount of carbon gas in the soil and thus the life cycle is saved from sterilization.

70% of the human body is water and other living beings, especially humans, also need clean water resources for the continuity of healthy life. In places where there is no organic production, chemical pesticides thrown into the soil are mixed with water. As a result, water basins and stream beds are polluted. Animals suffer from various diseases and perish by drinking these waters. Organic agriculture does not cause any damage to water resources, besides, thanks to organic farming, water is also saved. Since the farmers who grow organic products know how to irrigate the soil and the correct use of the soil, the water usage rate is minimal.

In recent years, it is known that seaweed has grown in places where organic agriculture is not practiced. Seaweed adversely affects human, animal and plant health. Because some of the chemical pesticides have petroleum-based ingredients, these drugs cause algae formation. However, there is no such danger in pesticides used in organic agriculture. These drugs do not pose such a threat in the soil because they are nature-loving green-protecting drugs.

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